Awards And Recognitions



  • Cozy Pant Prize

    If you have several students who have earned a privilege, they can wear cozy fleece or pajama pants on a designated day.

  • Letters Home

    Make this note to parents extra special by using nice quality stationary and specifics about the student’s positive performance or behavior.

  • Wearable Badge

    Create a special badge to wear on a string of beads or pin it to clothes. You can also make a special sash to wear for the day when a student achieves a goal.

  • Weekend Reward

    Present them with a board game (preferably one with the fewest pieces possible) to take home, or a special book to return on Monday.

  • Wearable Hat

    You can make a cone out of paper with a special sticker and feather/flower taped on. This can be remade for different students if sharing a hat is an issue.

  • Whole Class Reward

    If you are working towards class behavior goals, have a “my students are gems” jar where they can add gems and earn a movie day (choosing from a pre-approved selection).

  • Brownie Points

    Create a token or ticket system where the students can earn homemade treats from the teacher or parents. Yummy!

  • Chalk Party

    One more whole class idea is to have an outside chalk drawing party for students. You will probably need administrative approval and keep students in a designated area, but this would be a creative reward for the end of the day/week.

  • Catch Success Celebration

    Keep a running page of sticky note successes for all your students (focus on small ones so that they see that even small successes get noticed) and host a twice-a-year recognition ceremony. Make paper plate medallions with their success written on them and they can wear them on a string around their neck all day.
